Which stone is good for November's Birthstone?

October 20, 2024

Which stone is good for November's Birthstone?

November's Birthstone are Citrine and Yellow topaz

November have two birthstones with similarity in colour, both Yellow Topaz and Citrine provide a choice for people born in November. However, both gemstones offer wearers a different meaning depending on their preference.

Main stone for Scorpio born between October 24th and November 22nd: Citrine

Citrine will bring them calm, balance and serenity. Citrine brings good luck and good fortune. It warms the wearer.

There are more stones suitable for their personality:

  • Aquamarine: keep calm and cool
  • Obsidian: mystic
  • Malachite: loyal friend but competitive
  • Lapis lazuli: independent, that can be stubborn
  • Turquoise: trust facts, like being right

Citrine Birthstone: Meaning & History

    Citrine Quartz


    Citrine is a natural quartz, it is transparent yellow and brown orange, it has been used in jewelry for thousands of years. Citrine has been a cherished gemstone since antiquity, it has mistaken by the November birthstone, Topaz. That's why Citrine was attributed with similar virtues as Topaz, believed to appease emotions and bring tranquility to the wearer.

    Citrine Drop Gold Pendant

    The ancient Greeks carved rock crystal ornaments that sparkled like frost. Roman pontiffs wore rings set with massive purple amethysts and citrine.

    It was particularly popular in colorful Scottish jewelry from the Victorian era.

    Citrine Gold Ring


    Citrine Gold Pendant (18 Gold)

    Citrine, believed to derive from the French word for “lemon” (citron), is given for the Thirteenth Wedding Anniversary.

    The main sources for this November birthstone are Bolivia, Spain, Madagascar, Mexico and Uruguay. 

    You can find all our Citrine collection on our website.

    Citrine Ring (18k Gold)

    Topaz Birthstone Meaning & History

    The variety of topaz hues includes colourless, light blue, yellow, orange, pink, violet, brown and, very rarely, red.


    Majestic Earrings Collection: Yellow Topaz, Blue Topaz, White Topaz (9k Gold)

    Some believe the word “topaz” comes from the Sanskrit word tapas, which means “fire.” Others trace it back to the Greek topazos. 

    This November birthstone was long thought to have many benefits. The ancient Greeks believed that topaz gave them strength. From the 1300s to the 1600s, Europeans thought it could thwart magic spells and dispel anger. For centuries, many people in India have believed that topaz worn above the heart assures long life, beauty and intelligence.

    The distinctly pinkish orange Imperial topaz has aristocratic cachet. It is commonly believed that the name originated with the Russian royal family’s insistence on keeping the finest colors of this gem, which was mined in Russia’s Ural Mountains, exclusively for their use.

    Topaz was also specially popular in Brazil, is that it dates from an 1881 visit by Brazilian Emperor Pedro II to Ouro Preto and the gift of a reddish topaz to him.

    Blue Topaz Ring Diamonds

    Blue topaz is the gem of the Fourth Wedding Anniversary, and Imperial topaz is the gem of the 23rd Wedding Anniversary.

    Discover all our Topaz jewellery on our website.

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